Slimming program for a month at home: training and diet

A woman who thinks about losing weight often just chooses a popular diet, a lot of exercises and tries to succeed with them, but an individual monthly weight loss program at home will be more effective. This plan takes into account the characteristics of the body, the reasons for weight gain, the desired goals, the pace of life. Can you compose it yourself?

How to lose weight in a month

Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. However, the main condition will remain unchanged: you need to write a complete program, which will take into account menu changes, cosmetic procedures and physical activity. Given the size of the weight loss period, you can choose methods that do not affect your health. The first step in the long journey to a beautiful body will be the exact definition of tasks: which zones to work out, how many pounds to lose - all this will form the basis for a weight loss program for a month.

Calorie content and servings

The energy value of the product is what first of all requires you to study the weight loss program for a month at home, but this is not a call to choose only the one that has less than 100 kcal. Before you go to the store and make a menu, you need to know how many calories you can eat every day. This number can be calculated independently using any of the 3 formulas used by nutritionists or you can trust electronic calculators. Any choice requires you to know your weight at the beginning of weight loss, height, be sure to state your age.

The main points related to the menu calories:

  • The calorie requirements for someone exercising and for someone staying at home are different, so you need to evaluate your level of physical activity for proper weight loss.
  • Along with the daily calorie intake, you need to calculate the BJU ratio, otherwise you may not see the result from the program.
  • When programming the menu, the entire daily calorie content is divided so that breakfast and lunch become the heaviest - they get up to 400 kcal. Snacks should be in the range of 150-200 kcal. The rest is for dinner.
fruit and exercise for weight loss in a month

Consumption plan

If water intake is low, weight loss will be slow and even a strict monthly diet will not help. The breakdown of fats and their subsequent excretion without the right amount of fluid does not happen - this is the main condition for lipolysis, therefore, the frequency of water consumption should also be adjusted. However, if you drink coffee every day and believe that the water balance is normal, you are making a big mistake: lipolysis only needs clean water, mineral water is allowed. Its amount is determined by individual calculation:

  • You should take 30 ml of water for every pound of your body weight (not desirable, but available! ). For shape support - 40 ml.
  • On days when you are training, even at home, you should drink more, because you are losing fluids.
  • Did you allow yourself some coffee? We should compensate with three times the amount of clean water. Those. 200 ml of coffee require 600 ml of water.
  • Tea, juices and other beverages are high-calorie foods, so they are not included in the consumption plan.

Physical activity

Regular exercise is the key to losing weight through fat loss, however, it should also be properly included in the program and properly selected for a specific individual. Being overweight, a monthly weight loss program at home may not involve strength training or jogging, and with a few regular fitness classes there will be few things for the body. For women and men, the needs are also different: it makes sense for the latter to pump, and for a woman, for a beautiful flat belly, this is undesirable.

Basic conditions for adequate activity for weight loss:

  • Start with hiking.
  • The basis of the "sports program" for weight loss is aerobic exercise, lasting 40-60 minutes. Such training should be done at least 3 times a week.
  • The ideal body is strength training that you can do at home. However, when they lose weight, they can only supplement the main aerobic program to affect locally problem areas.
weight loss exercises in a month

Diet plan for weight loss for a month

No to junk food, yes to plant foods: the classic rule of thumb for most weight loss diets. However, this condition requires additions and clarifications, since each organism must choose an individual diet plan, so that weight loss is painless and at the fastest rate for a particular organism. Even the list of forbidden foods is changing. The following conditions are a classic program that you can modify yourself.

Which foods reduce appetite?

Meals throughout the month will be varied, especially if you are provided with recipes for healthy dishes. However, in addition to the general knowledge about the importance of consuming plant foods and reducing sugar sources, it is desirable to know the main fighters for a beautiful silhouette, which have fat burning properties. These are mainly products that help reduce weight by increasing the intracellular temperature, which accelerates metabolic processes. Between them:

  • mint leaves, basil;
  • grapefruit, lemon;
  • a pineapple?
  • ginger;
  • cinnamon, cloves, etc. spices;
  • cabbage;
  • cranberries?
  • all greens.

In addition, you should remember the products that help suppress the feeling of hunger. Mostly these are protein sources that should include a 30 day weight loss program. However, the appetite is stifled and:

  • pepper?
  • all legumes;
  • bran;
  • avocado;
  • linseed?
  • almond.
bulgarian pepper for weight loss in a month

What to exclude

There are 2 lists of junk food and foods, the choice between which is determined by the desired rate of weight loss. If the weight loss program lasts a month, you can combine them: tighten it for a week, then eat for 14-20 days according to the standard program and go to the hard for the rest of the month. Fat burning under such conditions will be active; such menu variations are also beneficial for the body.

The first list of foods that the standard program requires to exclude is a classic list of prohibitions on proper nutrition:

  • all sweets, including homemade jam (sources of sugar that are undesirable for the shape).
  • any bakery products, even yeast-free pie.
  • semi-finished meat products purchased from the store (their composition is far from useful).
  • sausages, sausages, pork sausages etc. (do not transfer values to the body due to the dangerous composition)
  • semolina porridge (according to the principle of influence of the shape, it is similar to flour).
  • fatty meats (it is not the calorie content that interferes with weight loss, but the blow to the pancreas).
  • maintenance, pickles and pickles from stores.

If you are looking for an option to lose weight fast, you are allowed to tighten your meal plan for a short time by subtracting from it:

  • cereals, with the exception of buckwheat;
  • pasta;
  • potato;
  • Fruit other than green apples and all kinds of citrus fruits;
  • fatty fish;
  • salt.

How to make a diet plan

You have a lot of time to shed excess (the exception is if you are in the stage of obesity, from which it takes several months to get rid of), so the diet plan for weight loss may not be very hard. Healthy eating will be the basis, but you are entitled to rare rewards or cheat meals, which include the opportunity to eat some of your favorite food or food that belongs to the forbidden category. First, it will motivate you to stay with the program. Second, the body needs a "shake" to not gain weight. There may be 2 such days a month.

Here are some tips for composing your diet:

  • Pay attention to the composition of the product: proteins, especially of plant origin, can be consumed at night without affecting weight loss. Carbohydrates (cereals, pasta) will find their place in the morning and afternoon, as well as fats.
  • Remember that the diet should be compared to the training program (even at home): before exercise, you can eat protein with a small portion of complex carbohydrates, after - only protein.
  • The combination of meat with porridge or pasta is not worth it, so as not to stop the rate of weight loss. Exception is before physical activity.
  • Calculate the calorie content of the menu separately for "quiet" days and training days.
slimming products per month

Approximate menu for a month a day

The number of products available to you, according to the conditions of this program, is large, the options for heat treatment are also large, so the variety of the diet should not be a problem. You can make boiled, grilled and cooked dishes, but it is good to eat raw plant foods if you are interested in serious weight loss in a month. A large number of meals will help prevent hunger and small portions will help prevent overeating.

During the day, your menu on a monthly home weight loss program, taking into account 1 day of detox, may look like this:

breakfast Junk food Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
Monday Oatmeal with almond Homemade yogurt Braised chicken breast with tomatoes Grapefruit Cottage cheese with low fat, greens
Tuesday Rice porridge with dried apricots Hard cheese, a cup of tea Buckwheat porridge, asparagus beans Orange juice Vegetable salad
Wednesday Steamed omelette Low fat cottage cheese Chicken broth, vegetables Baked pear Kefir, bran
Thursday Oatmeal with honey A glass of tomato juice, loaf Boiled cabbage Steamed cheesecakes Grilled lean fish
Friday Millet with pumpkin A pair of peaches Vegetable broth, a piece of lean meat Boiled egg, vegetable salad Tomatoes, boiled shrimp, cucumber
Saturday Rice porridge with raisins Orange Zucchini stew with peppers and tomatoes Cereal loaf, avocado, cheese Low fat cottage cheese
Sunday Orange juice Green apple Cabbage salad with beets Carrot and apple juice Kefir, bran

Slimming workouts at home

It is advisable to plan a course of physical activity with a specialist who will help you assess your own health and choose workouts that are not harmful. The classic one-month weight loss program necessarily includes any aerobic exercise, ie keeping your heart rate in the fat burning zone. If you have problem areas with difficulty, it makes sense to add strengthening exercises to them.

Fitness program

If you have excess fat, you should start with active cardio loads, which can be represented by running on the spot, skipping rope (if ceiling height allows), dancing. A video tutorial will also be effective: by Jillian Michaels, Sean Tee, Janet Jenkins and others. In addition, you can choose exercises for a month with which you will complete your lesson.

Exercise for weight loss in a month


With normal body weight, weight loss through aerobic exercise is slow, because the body has already got rid of most of the excess, so the program must be supplemented with strength training. Girls can be limited to a small workload (5 kg dumbbells), from the exercises it is imperative to do squats, push from different positions. The frequency of strength training is 2 times a week, for 20-25 minutes.


This choice of physical activity should be included without failure if you are not obese. Interval training is an easy way to change your figure for the better, as it is more effective in burning fat. The essence of the lesson: the exercise is performed at a high pace in 20 seconds, followed by a rest (10 seconds) and the next exercise. A workout lasts 20 minutes, which is more effective than a full hour of exercise. It is recommended to give yourself intermittent loads every other day.


This activity can be both classic strength training and interval training. The main focus is on practicing all parts of the body: ie you include in the work first the muscles of the arms, then the back, then the abdomen, the buttocks, the thighs, the legs and the cycle is repeated. Such training at home is more effective if the work is of an intermittent nature: for example, eastern tabata.

Incentive program

Experts say that the ideal choice is to combine many types of physical activity, but with a shift to aerobic activity, which is responsible for burning fat. If you only do strength training or even interval training, weight loss at home can be "one-sided" - either the fat deposits will disappear, but the body will remain swollen or you will not lose as much weight as the pump on the muscles.

You can get a beautiful silhouette with the following program for the house that is repeated every week:

  • Monday is gymnastics.
  • Tuesday - interval cardio (tabata) + stretching.
  • Wednesday - recovery (rest)
  • Fifth gym + strength for the problem area
  • Friday is a gym.
  • Saturday - recovery (rest).
  • Sunday - circular force + stretching.